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Sunday, 16 May 2010

new blog

for anyone interested,

I'm offcially starting up a poetry blog - soulpouring :)

see you there :)


Wednesday, 12 May 2010

french oral :P

I had my french oral exam todayy!!

It was a rather nervewrecking experience, but in the end it went really well:D

And now I can't stop speaking french; when I'm in conversations with people, I keep throwing out ze occasional french words, and when I'm on my own I'm jsut speaking to myself in French!!

What a fun world zis is:D

J'ai dit a ma prof (pendant l'examen) que les mauvaises emissions sur la tele ne font qu'encourager l'immoralite et deverser de l'argent dans las poches du gouvernement :D

*honhehon* :)

(btw, sorry about the lack of accents - I'm not sure how to get them on this bloggg:P)

Alors, j'ai dit aussi que mon pere a decide de me couter de l'argent quand je ne range pas ma chambre; a mon avis ce n'est pas juste, puisque je suis la seule personne qui habite dans cette chambre, et ca m'est egale!!

Rightyho, off I go:)



ode to a beautiful man :)

He is beautiful. Each line of his
etched face has been carved by my fingers;
I feel him now; soft and warm beneath
my skin. Deep in concentration, the
creases upon his forhead, and the hands
in rapid motion; writing, writing. His hands
move through his hair, and the sigh of a weary
day flows from his aching neck, his back, his
shoulders. He rubs his eyes with the balls of his
hands, and his exhaustion lets his wandering gaze
fall upon me. He is beautiful.